How to Import Resource Files

Find out how to Import Resource Files

Updated over a week ago

Learn how to upload your resource files through our system or how to connect to a repository service in a few simple steps.

Resource file uploads can be carried out through our upload system. We’ll add any new segments you’ve created and update any changes to the resource files for the project.

You can also add resource files for new languages.


You can connect LingoHub with your repositories, allowing synchronization of any changes made to your source language file. 

Uploading a Resource File

1. After logging into your LingoHub account, Click "Dashboard" tab in the main Navigation bar. All your projects are listed on the left.

2. Choose the project for which you want to upload files and go to Resource Files segment. Here you can see all your Resource Files, as well as the Import files.


On this page, you can easily download all existing Resource Files. 

3. Click the "Upload files" button

4. Drag and drop or browse for your project


You can define quality checks for text length to your segments with LingoChecks.

These can be written into your resource file and
will be added to the segments when they are uploaded. 

5. Your project is uploaded and ready for translation!

Changing Import Settings

You can change what happens to the source and target languages when you upload a file. 

To change your Import Settings, click on the settings button in the resource files view (you’ll be directed to your project settings) or enter your project settings from the navigation. 

You’ll be then presented with numerous options for both source and target language imports. 


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