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How to view the notifications?
How to view the notifications?
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Notifications allow you to stay up to date with all major events within projects.

There are seven notification categories you can receive based on your notification settings.

In this article, we described:

View notifications from the dashboard

Inside the dashboards, you can:

  1. View the 10 latest notifications

  2. Go to the notification overview page by clicking on the icon.

Access the notification page from any part of the Lingohub app.

Click on the user icon at the top-right corner and click "Notifications."

Let's overview the notifications page.

Inside the notification page, you can find the following information:

  1. Category - the type of the category of the notification.

  2. A project that notification belongs to.

  3. Description - notifications text.

  4. Filtering notifications by unread status.

  5. Filter notifications by the project.

  6. Filter notification by category.

  7. Filter notification by entries time.

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