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Table editor
Updated over 2 months ago

The table editor gives you a general overview of the project segments, administrative overview, bulk actions, etc.

Here, you can see all segments and projects, their statuses, languages, keys, branches, and more in a single table.

  1. Segment string. Find all information about separated segments - statuses of source and targeted languages, keys, containers, and more based on your needs.

  2. Filter by segment sources. Choose the needed project, branches and containers to work on.

  3. Search field. Find the relevant segments by using the search syntax. You can also write the word or part of the text, and the search will find the results that include the exact text.

  4. Sort options. Sort segments by a project's branch name and segment information ascending/descending.

  5. Filter options. Create advanced filters to find needed information faster.

  6. Create a new segment button.

  7. Editor appearance and Table settings. Customize the table according to your needs.

Table editor settings

You can set up the table editor for a better overview and convenient project information management. Customize both the display of columns and their sequence.

To manage the columns' visibility:

  • click on the gear icon at the top right corner and choose "Table column settings". From the list, choose the columns you want to hide or show.

  • or click on the three-dots icon in the column and select "Hide." Also you can sort and filter based on the column.

    Note: Hiding a column will remove all applied sorts and filters.

Customize the display of columns

Hold the left mouse button on the column name and drag it to the desired location to control the sequence of displaying columns in the table.

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